Mixed emotions
Fill up a mother's heart
It seems like only yesterday
you entered into our lives.
Memories of holding you
as a baby are still so vivid
in my mind.
The quiet times
of middle of the night feedings
and rocking you to sleep,
while your little fingers were holding
tightly onto my sleeve,
still warm my heart
As the youngest,
you have watched
your sisters
go to school on their own.
You have always been by my side
until now...
Today it is your turn.
Your backpack is ready.
Your new clothes have been chosen.
A snack is waiting.
You are ready
to explore the world.
It is time to meet new friends
and enjoy new experiences.
Kind teachers are waiting for you
Who I hope will appreciate
your joyful heart!
I know that you will be brave
as you enter a new world of preschool.
And so will I
As I leave my baby
to explore the world
with new friends.
And so, a new chapter
in our lives