Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Eleven years ago, I was teaching in a fourth grade classroom.  I remember the moment I found out about the twin towers.  My students were in art class. I was walking down the hallway to pick up my students from the art room when a colleague told me what had happened.  I was in disbelief.  I returned to our classroom with 28 nine year old students and a new perspective for the day.  I changed plans and immediately chose my favorite book for the read aloud:  All the Places to Love by Patricia MacLachlan.  I tried my best to keep my classroom calm and kind for the rest of the day.  Parents were coming to the school to take their children home early.  Students were asking why this was happening and we were told to remain silent.  As soon as all of my students were on their way home, I made three separate phone calls.  I called my husband, mother and father. I just had to hear their voices and say "I love you."

Today, I am home with my daughters.  I start the day glancing at the sunflowers in our garden.  Their vibrant yellow color, grand size and bold petals remind me of courage.  A good morning hug from each daughter reminds me of compassion and warmth.  A smile from my daughter's preschool teacher reminds me to always look for and appreciate the helpers in our world.  A family dinner reminds me of all the things that I have to be grateful for each and every day.  Watching my daughters play soccer reminds me of strength and the beauty of working together.  Three good night kisses remind me of joy and hope. 

"Hope is always there, inside you, waiting to unfold." -Lauren Thomson
from the book Hope is an Open Heart


  1. Thank you for a lovely post, and two new book titles I need to find!

  2. Beautiful words of hope.
